Tidbits of Shelby County History
Center PTA

This week’s article is taken from a record book for the Center PTA 1923. Also, the museum has the new 2023 photo of the Center Square that was a recreation of the 1923 photo taken on the square. There is a color and black and white version of this photo. The two pictures are 100 years apart and show the square as it was in 1923 and as it is today, 2023. Part of the money from the sale of these photos will go to the museum. We want to thank Lawrence Davis for taking the photo and for sharing these with the museum. The cost of the pictureis $50 for either the 1923 or 2023 print and if you would like them framed the cost is $100 each.  Be sure to come by the museum and see these historical photos and the new exhibit.

PTA – Sept 28th, 1923

The PTA of Center High School met in regular session, Friday September 28 at the school auditorium. The President, Mrs. R.E. Adams in the chair.
Mrs. Menges offered a short prayer.

Twenty-eight members answered the roll call and payment of dues was next on the program.

The minutes of previous meeting were rea and approved.

Mrs. Norris, chairman of membership committee reported Mrs. J.A. Holt, Mrs. G.E. Mangum, Mrs. Arthur Sander, Mrs. Will Conway, and Mrs. T.R. Day as new members.

The association voted to allow funds to purchase a secretary’s book. Mrs. Porter Anderson was leader for the afternoon program.

Mrs. P.L. Sandel and Maudine Adams rendered a pleasing piano duet.

Mrs. Yates gave an instructive talk on what the PTA could accomplish from the teachers viewpoint.

Mrs. Scruggs told of some of the needs in the grammar grades.

Mr. Day gave the report of the University inspector, mentioning the things in which Center schools had reached the standard and those below the standard. He impressed us with the idea that the association must work for the accomplishment of one great need and in his estimation of the school. He gave as the only remedy the raising of the school tax from sixty-five cents to one dollar on the hundred-dollar valuation.

Opal Brittain delighted her hearers with a humorous reading.

On the motion of Mr. Day, the association unanimously voted to have the chair appoint a committee to circulate a petition among the tax paying voters of Center independent school district asking for an election to raise the school tax from sixty-five cents to one dollar. The chair reserved the right to appoint this committee at later date.

Mrs. Atkinson asked to be released from the office of Third V.P. Her work as a teacher preventing her from devoting the proper amount of time to the office. Mrs. J.C. Hurst was unanimously elected to fill the vacancy.

The association adjourned to meet Friday, October 12th.  Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Delta McKnight, Recording secretary.

PTA – October 12, 1923

The Center PTA met in regular session Friday, Oct. 12th.

The first number on program was an enjoyable piano solo by Ruth Beach, a pupil of Miss Ivey.

Eighteen members responded to roll call and he minutes of last meeting were read and approved.

The chair announced that after talking with several members of the board, she had decided to postpone the circulation of the petition asking for an election to raise school tax.

After some discussion, the association decided on account of scarcity of funds not to publish a yearbook this school year, but to announce the programs in the Champion on the Wednesday before the meetings.

Mr. Day stated that the auditorium could be cleared at 3:20 pm, so in the future the meetings could begin at this time.

The secretary read a letter from Mr. M.N. Marrs, state President of the Texas Congress of Mothers and PTA asking us to federate with these organizations. It was unanimously decided to so.

A letter was read from the Consolidated Film and Supply Co. asking our association to cooperate with them in showing a better picture at our local theater. The matter was deferred.

The President appointed Mrs. J.P. Anderson, Mrs. T.H. Postell, Mrs. J.L. Walker, Mrs. G.C. Mangum, and Mr. Summers as program committee.

Lois Hayes and Edwin Rogers accompanied by Miss Ivey favored us with a violin and cornet duet.

Mrs. Will Chandler read a splendid paper on The Sources of Available School Fund of Texas.

Each member was urged not to neglect the payment of poll taxes because a portion of each tax belongs to the school fund.

An excellent paper, The Rank of Texas Educationally, was given by Mrs. A.E. Day.

Mr. Day answered some question on what the increased tax would mean to Center schools.

There being no further business, the association adjourned to meet Friday, Oct 26th. Respt.Submitted, Mrs. Delta McKnight, Recording Secretary

PTA, Oct. 26, 1923

The Center PTA met in regular session, Friday, Oct. 26 at 3:20pm. The roll call was called, and minutes of last meeting read and approved.

A letter was read from President of State PTA welcoming us into that organization and acknowledging receipt of federation dues.

Mrs. R.C. Adams read clippings from PTA bulletin giving each one present valuable information from headquarters.

The Chair appointed Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Loving, and Mrs. Hunt as attendance committee.

In the absence of Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Atkinson acted as leader for the afternoon program.

LaMarlin Matthews, a pupil of Mrs. Sandel, favored us with Mendelssohn “Spring Song.”

Mr. Day gave a forceful talk on lack of discipline in the home.

Mrs. Carnahan gave a beautiful talk on the influence of the picture show on the child. (Note: Can you just image what this talk would be like in 2023.)

The President was asked to confer with our local movie manger about showing one of the better pictures. (Note: Some movies released between January and December 1923 are Safety Last, The Ten Commandments, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Blue Lagoon, A Woman of Paris: A Drama of Fate, Our Hospitality, Three Ages, and The Pilgrim. All these movies were silent. The gradual transition from silent films to talkies took place between 1926 and 1930.)

Bruce Willis, George Burton Sandel, and Raymond Living rendered a pleasing clarinet, violin and xylophone trio accompanied by Mrs. Sandel.

The resignation of Mrs. Porter Anderson as First Vice President was accepted, and Mrs. W.M. Chandler was unanimously elected as her successor.

Mrs. B.U. Pearce rs. C.B. Wallace, and Mrs. J.T Garrett were appointed as members of the social committee. The association adjourned to meet Friday, November 9th. Respt. Submitted, Mrs. Delta McKnight, Recording Sec.